Guitar Practice Tips

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sometimes the best thing you can do is to get some one on one advice from an experienced guitar player. Jim Lee is an expert at the Bass Guitar. You can download his bass guitar video tutorials. We also include some important guitar practice tips below.

Be sure to practice guitar scales because they will help you to become accustom to the sounds and tones the notes on the guitar. Guitar scales will also strengthen and improve

the flexibility of your fingers.

If you are interested in playing punk rock or metal guitar it would be good to build up the muscles that are required to pick the guitar strings appropriately fast.

Practicing the songs you’ve already learned is an efficient method for retaining the skills you’ve gained when first learning that song. That is why day in day out before moving on to new material practice the guitar songs you have already learned. Then on top of the old guitar songs you put the new guitar songs and that way you will be able to have a large group of songs that are easy to access.

In an effort to becoming a guitar soloist it is important to recognize that you will need to use alternate picking methods. This means that instead of the regular down strokes you will need to have up and down strokes with varying rhythms.

Starting with songs that have only three or four chords is an excellent start for mastering those chords. Finding a song that consistently repeats a new set of three or four chords gives you that chance to practice those chord changes again and again. There are many songs out there are simply three to five chords and so don’t give up if you don’t find a ton of them at first. They’re out there so look.

You may want to begin early to train yourself to use your pinky. This finger is hard to work with and train but in the end you will be able to use this finger for playing more guitar chords. This will enable you to make guitar chord changes faster and allow you to play melody with your pinky.

Sooner or later you will be asked to play songs you have never learned and so what can you do to prepare? Practicing popular songs by ear will help you match the tunes you hear in your head to the sounds that come out of your guitar. Enough of this kind of practice and you will be able to play on request even when you don’t know the music behind it.
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